Overview & Goals

Kidney transplantation is the optimal treatment for patients with end-stage renal disease, usually increasing quality of life and survival. With very few new ESRD patients receiving a pre-emptive kidney transplant and with only a fraction ultimately receiving transplants, inventive new strategies to increase kidney donations and transplants are not only essential—but critical—to the survival of nearly 100,000 patients currently on the kidney transplant waitlist.
KTC since its inception has been committed to developing policy solutions and funding innovative and groundbreaking programs that can demonstrate and achieve a significant increase in kidney transplants.
View our grant recipients and process by year below.
Grant Recipients
The competitive selection process results in selected organizations receiving grants to further their research and development of methods to increase kidney donation.
It is essential that the kidney transplant community continue to aggressively explore innovative new kidney transplant methods, strategies and programs that can be implemented at the state, regional and federal level to significantly increase kidney donation and transplantation.