Board of Directors

Lou Diamond
Louis H. Diamond, MBChB, FCP (SA), FACP, FHIMSS is the President and CEO of the Kidney Transplant Collaborative (KTC).
Dr. Diamond is an expert in the use of methodologies for measuring and improving healthcare quality and is involved in the development of public policy through projects focused on patient safety, health system financing, physician payment reform, quality measurement and reporting, and performance improvement.
In addition to his role as President and Chair of the Kidney Transplant Collaborative, Dr. Diamond also serves on the Executive Committee for the Coalition for Supportive Care of Kidney Patients and is an Ex-officio member of the Forum of ESRD Networks, as well as the Renal Physicians Association representative to the American Medical Association House of Delegates.
Throughout his career, Dr. Diamond has also served in multiple leadership positions with a variety of national healthcare organizations. Highlights of Dr. Diamond’s past leadership roles are recapped below:
- President, Health Care Advisory Group, LLC
- Co-Chair, Quality Improvement Initiative and Chair of the Advisory Panel for the Quality Improvement Education Roadmap for the Alliance for Continuing Education in the Health Professions
- Chair of the Physician Engagement Committee and Chair of the Quality Safety and Outcomes Committee for the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS)
- Chair of the End-Stage Renal Disease Network Board and President of the Forum of ESRD Network Organizations and ESRD Network 5 Board of Directors Member
- President and Medical Director of the Renal Physicians Association
- Member of the Board of Directors and Director of Programs with the National Patient Safety Foundation
- President of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia
- Board of Trustees, American Society of Internal Medicine
- President, American College of Medical Quality
- Member of the Health and Public Policy Committee, American College of Physicians
- President, Internal Medicine Center to Advance Research and Education (IMCARE)
- Member, National Kidney & Urologic Diseases Advisory Board of the National Institutes of Health
Dr. Diamond has had a distinguished career as Vice President and Medical Director for Thomson Reuters Healthcare, Professor of Medicine and Chair of the Georgetown University Department of Medicine and the Dean for Medical Affairs at DC General Hospital. In addition, Dr. Diamond was the Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Cape Town School of Medicine and Groote Schuur Hospital.
He is a Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellow and is also a Fellow at the American College of Physicians, the College of Physicians, and the American College of Physicians in South Africa. He is a graduate of the University of Cape Town Medical School, South Africa.
Diamond has received various awards, recognitions, and honors from the Renal Physicians Association, the American Association of Kidney Patients, MSPC, the American Society of Internal Medicine, the American College of Medical Quality, and DC General Hospital.